Sunday, December 26, 2010

Why Are You Here Cafe

A New Way Of Finding Meaning In Your Life And Your Work
by John P. Strelecky

I got this book as part of Christmas present from my daughter Lara. Oh my goodness ... once I picked up the book I could not put it down until I had read it all the way through. And it resonated with me enormously.

The Why Café by John Stelecky is a story of a man who happens onto an all night café and finds 3 compelling questions on a menu
  1. Why Are You Here? 
  2. Do You Fear Death? 
  3. Are You Fulfilled? 
Sparked by a fun and interesting midnight conversation, he begins to contemplate his purpose for existing, his PFE. 

Until we know what our PFE is and discover activities that help us fulfill it, we waste time and energy on lots of things. Those who don't take steps to discover and fulfill their PFE are those who fear death. We are fulfilled by working toward our PFE. What would life be like if you were always doing the things you wanted to do, and feeling passionate about it? Events would begin falling synchronistically in place to help support you along the way, and you'd notice one lucky coincidence unfold after another. You'd begin seeing the world with new eyes, and noticing new opportunities.
I am the author of the story-book my life -- I better take charge of writing my own book -- for that I better know my PFE and live it.

I found John P. Strelecky's print book to be highly inspiring indeed.

May We Be Always Open To Learning!


  1. how precious would life be if it lasted forever?

    love , Lara

  2. Dear Lara:

    Yes Indeed -- Life is very Precious ... and we need to have appreciation for every moment that has been gifted to us.

    You Are Always So Thoughtful!

